Friday, August 10, 2007

Seek the help of friends

So now that I'm in hot pursuit of filling my store with new clothing and accessories on a budget I thought I would look to my friends, and my friends, friends to see if anyone designs their own clothing or accessories and sure enough I have found two companies right here in Omaha. Both of these companies are willing to provide small quantities of their collection at no cost to me unless they sell. Thats Great News! That means I can focus my financial efforts on marketing rather than initial inventory! I've always heard that people and companies love to be apart of something new and most of the time they are willing to work with you. In this case, I have found two GREAT companies that believe in my efforts. What a great feeling this is! It gives me new life and hope into my project. I guess I could put the word out there and see if anyone reading this knows of a clothing company that would like to get some exposure and be apart of a new business. If so, please contact me. Well thats all I have for now. Have a great weekend!

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